School Info
Winner of the John Irwin School of Excellence Award
2012 2013 2014 2016 2017 2018
Mission Statement
Our Vision
S.T.E.A.M. School
Early Bird Reading
School Hours
School Supplies
After School Supervision
Extended Hours
Attendance and Absences
Early Dismissal
Health Assistant
Parking and Pick-Up
School Communication
ParentVUE/Parent Bridge
Telephone Messages
Dress Code
Emergency Info
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to value all learners by nurturing, guiding, and challenging students to become lifelong readers, writers, and respectful problem solvers.
Our Vision
We Visualize! We Believe! We Achieve!
Together, through the building of positive relationships, our community strives to create self-directed, interdependent, empathetic, and creative thinkers with growth mindsets.
Early Bird Reading
Early Bird Reading is unique only to New Emerson. This community based before school reading program happens every morning. Parents, members of the community, and staff listen to children read aloud. The goal of early bird reading is to read with a child as he/she reads a just right book. Reading and comprehension strategies are the emphasis for facilitating the independence of each reader. After reading with an adult, the child takes his/her book home to share with the family. After the book is read, the child returns it to school and checks out another one. As the year progresses, the child becomes an independent, confident reader.
School Hours
Doors open at 7:45am with attendance taken at 7:55am.
New Emerson Elementary is in session Monday thru Thursday for Kindergarten through 5th Grade.
NO SCHOOL on Fridays.
Office OPEN 7:00-11:00 AM
School Supplies
New Emerson Elementary has a supply fee of $40.00 per student with the addition of a few other add on items.
This fee covers some classroom supplies, TIME FOR KIDS or other classroom periodicals, cooking, explorations, and science and art supplies as well as some transportation for field trips. This fee is due by September 30th.
After School Supervision
School ends at 4:00 p.m. Students are released to the care of their parents or put on the bus. Those students, who are not being transported by school bus, will be under the care of their parents. If a child chooses to play after school on the playground, parents must be present and he/she will be under his/her parents care and supervision.
Extended Hours
Extended Hours is a program that runs before and after school for a fee. For registration information please contact the Extended Hours office at 241-3603. The Extended Hours Office is located at Pomona Elementary.
Parents are encouraged to visit/volunteer in their children's classrooms. This is one of the best ways to help out at school. Visitors MUST check in at the office before visiting a classroom to get a visitor badge. Please be sensitive to the learning environment when visiting. We value your expertise and involvement. By volunteering you are showing your child that you value education and you support our school. Volunteer applications are available in the front office and must be filled out every year to be valid. Fill one out today!
Attendance and Absences
Doors are unlocked at 7:45am. and Early Bird Reading begins. Attendance is taken in all classrooms at 7:55am. Students must be in their classrooms by this time for the beginning of the school day. If your child is late or absent, please notify the office by 8:30am. The learning goals for the day are set by the students and teachers upon arrival. A tardy or absent student misses this vital instruction. Advance notice for an extended absence for your student should be arranged with the teacher and a written note to the office.
If the child is absent and no call has been made from the parent, Cherie will call to confirm that the child is home and the school's automated system will call the parental numbers listed on the registration paperwork, as well as to confirm absence.
Early Dismissal
As a general policy, children are dismissed from school during school hours only in case of an emergency. In such situations, a note should be sent to the child's teacher on that day and the parent must come to the office to sign the child out of school. You also need to be aware that leaving early is treated the same as a tardy. Remember, every 5 tardies equals one absence. Please try to schedule appointments on Fridays or before/after school.
School Health Assistant and Medication
New Emerson STEAM Elementary Health Assistant is Roxie Frazier. Her phone number is 254-6500 ext#53111. She is on duty from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. If a child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she will be cared for, and the parent will be notified. Simple first-aid will be administered, but no medication will be given unless the medication and written permission is on file with the office. The responsibility for further care rests with the parents or family physician. If your child contracts strep throat, pink eye, chickenpox, or any other contagious disease, please inform the school health assistant or office staff at once. Throat cultures are not given at school.
In order for prescription medications to be administered by the school health assistant or trained staff, the school is required to have the form "Request for Medication" completed, signed by the physician and a parent, and be on file in the school. Prescription medication must be in the original container labeled by the pharmacist. Please check with your physician regarding the necessity for giving medication during school hours.
Over the counter (non-prescription) medication supplied by the parent in the original container may be given only with a parent's signature on the permission form. Forms are available in the school office, school website, and at most physician's offices. Forms must be completed each school year.
If it is necessary to send liquid medication to school, please send a dosage spoon with the medication. We request parents bring the medication to school. Medications which have not been used or picked up by the expiration date or end of school year will be discarded.
Parking and Pickup
Please note parent parking to your left as you enter the school grounds. This is reserved for your convenience with additional parking behind the school. Please park your vehicle and walk your child into the school. There is no supervision on the playground in the mornings.
The parking lot to your right is for staff and "overflow" parking only. This space is shared between New Emerson Staff/The District Music Department and Preschool. As you can guess, this parking lot is at full capacity. We ask that you do NOT park in the spaces reserved for the"Music Department" and the two front parking spaces that allow access to the parking lot directly in front of the building (on the blacktop facing West) Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe.
School Communication
New Emerson STEAM Elementary will use several avenues to bridge the school/home communication gap.
This will be done through ParentVUE, Peachjar, flyers, newsletters, mass e-mails and of course your classroom teacher as well as the school website.
Check it out!
ParentVUE is a tool developed by the District to give parents on-line access to their students assignments, attendance, lunch participation and standardized test scores. You will also receive classroom and school-wide emails. ParentVUE allows you to contact your child's teacher and school by email and read classroom messages posted by the teacher. LOG on at least once a month so your accounts stay active.
To make sure you are registered - Parent link.
Telephone Messages
We will deliver emergency/urgent messages to your child, IF they are received in a timely manner. If at all possible, arrangements for any changes in your child's routine should be made before they come to school in the morning instead of making phone calls at the end of the day. This delays the bus schedule for delivery to other bus hubs.
District #51 Lunch Lizard provides New Emerson STEAM Elementary with lunch daily. The menu is on the Home Page of the Website. Check it out!
- $48.00 a month (20 days)
- .90c for extra milk or juice
- $4.15 Adult
For more information contact Nutrition Services to activate an account for your child. Prices Subject to change
Dress Code
School is your child's "workplace" and consequently we ask that they dress appropriately. Children should dress according to the weather. If it is cold, please send your child to school with warm clothing. Please help your child make choices that will be conducive to a positive learning environment. We ask that students not wear tank tops, half shirts, crop tops, short shorts, or slogans promoting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sex, or violence, or sagging pants. Let's keep our focus on student learning.
Emergency Schedule
Inclement weather or other factors may result in closing schools, delayed opening, or early dismissal. School closing will be announced through news stations, the district website and social media. Close contact is maintained with the district transportation office, bus company, highway department, weather bureau, and news media. Closing decisions are made as early as possible. On a questionable day, please check the district website. Please complete the emergency/enrollment form very carefully. Complete, accurate information, including home and work phone numbers, are very important! If there is a change of address or phone number, inform the school promptly.
Busing Information
STA Student Transport of America